Buying A Home During A Pandemic

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How to do House Shopping During a Pandemic

We are currently dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic and sellers are often trying to find ways to limit the exposure with people coming into their home.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Consider going online and researching the neighborhood. There may be Facebook pages or other relevant things and articles about the neighborhood that you’re looking at. Which can be a great way to do some background research without having to enter the home.
  2. Consider going on Google and typing in the address of the property of interest and checking out the street view as well as the aerial view. This will give you a great glimpse of what the neighborhood looks like and what properties surround the home of interest. Which will be a great way to check out some additional information.
  3. Consider checking out websites like Yelp or Areavibe and typing in the zip code so that you can see what’s in the area as far as restaurants, things to do, and so forth.
  4. Consider going to a website like mine,, and you can check out other sales in a neighborhood. You can look and see what else has been selling or you can contact us for more information to determine what that neighborhood looks like as far as architectural style and pricing in the area.
  5. Consider checking out the educational options in the area. You can use our website and look for local information. You can look at school ratings and so forth and that will give you a good feel for what options you may have if schools are important to you and your family.
  6. Consider checking crime rates in the area by Googling for that zip code and their crime rates. In Pennsylvania, we also have Megan’s Law in effect. So, you can actually go online and find the location of
    registered sex offenders and where they live and work so that you are aware as you’re considering neighborhoods.
  7. I recommend that you consider putting the address into ways or Google maps and checking how far it is to the things that are of interest to you. Whether it’s work, family members, church, or any of those things so that you have a good idea of what your daily commute may look like. You may even wanna test drive it during your typical working hours to see what that looks like for you.

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